Bernadette Catalana’s Post

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Partner at MG+M Law Firm

MENTORING MOMENT: Back To Class. I had the best surprise when I was in Columbia last week. I ran into Dick Willis, an outstanding practitioner who also teaches at University of South Carolina Law School. Not exactly a coincidence that an accomplished attorney has committed to passing the ladder down to the younger set. The synergy began to unfold, however, when he told me the topic for Thursday's class: Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl (a/k/a the Baby Veronica case). Unknown to Professor Willis, as a law student and young mother, I wrote a case note for the Buffalo Law Review on the legal battle for Jessica DeBoer. Upon learning this fact, he graciously asked me to join him and former Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court, Jean Toal, as a guest for "Law and Rhetoric." An offer I wouldn't refuse. Truth be told, I had to refresh myself on my own work product, given the time that has elapsed since it was authored. But not only had I forgotten my once all-consuming article, my memory had nearly erased how inspiring it is to be in class, with the young and eager, as well as the experienced and wise. Judge Toal shared a unique front row mixed with behind the scenes insight on the Baby Veronica case. She was extremely gracious in sharing her views and sharing the floor with me, the unexpected guest. The students were equally impressive, their shiny bright minds just lit up the room. I officially have great hopes for the lawyers of tomorrow. Thank you students, Professor Willis, and Judge Toal. You were truly the highlight of my week.

Judge Toal is amazing, and so are you!

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